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Allein die Vorstellung, heutzutage in Mitteleuropa aus dem eigenen Haus vertrieben zu werden, weil das ganze Dorf plattgemacht werden soll, ist unglaublich. Genau das passiert aber Waltraud Kieferndorf, die mit ihrer Familie in Nordrhein-Westphalen an der Kante zur Tagebau-Mine Garzweiler II lebt. Sie wehrt sich gegen die Pläne der Kohleindustrie und engagiert sich für den Verbleib in ihrer Heimat.
Ivo Siegler
D 2021, 8:50 min, OmeU
18.10.2022, 18:30

Jury statement

„We thought this film was very intriguing. With powerful cinematography, exquisite drone and landscape shots, combined with personal close ups. We appreciated the documentary journalistic style and the weight of the subject matter. The first time that we zoom out and realize where our protagonist lives in relation to the mine is overwhelming and very well executed. We found it connects to the times we live in and illustrates the stark contrasts that live side by side. The interests and power of business and government and the powerlessness of citizens gets painfully clear in this case. The planting of the apple tree was a great tangible thing that connects us to the notion of home when it’s at stake.“